
Nama : Monika Izza Tustania
Nim   :  115623022  



Thermometer was first pioneered by Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) in 1595. A thermometer is used to measure the temperature of solids, liquids, or gases. A thermometer contains a liquid (usually mercury or an alcohol solution) in a reservoir whose volume is linearly dependent on the temperature (as the temperature increases, the volume increases). When the liquid is heated it expands into a narrow tube that has been calibrated to indicate the temperature. Temperature can be recorded in Celsius, Farenheit, or Kelvin, therefore it is important to note which scale the thermometer is calibrated for.
Various types of thermometer :
1.      Beckmann differential thermometer
2.      Bi-metal mechanical thermometer
3.      Coloumb blockade thermometer
4.      Heat meter
5.      Phospor thermometry
6.      Phyrometer
7.      Quartz thermometry
8.      Rectal thermometry
9.      Reversing thermometry
10.  Silicin bandgap temperature sensor
11.  Temperatur strip
12.  Wearable thermometer
We have known explanation and function of thermometer, we also know the kinds of the thermometer. So if we want to know the temperature of your room or your body we can use the thermometer to get valid outcome. But, we have to use the temperature by the function. Example , if we had fever we ought to use termometer for checking our body temperature.

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