
Nama : Nina Widayati
Nim    : 115623024


Television broadcasting is a complementary tool pictorial. with our television a lot of information. whether political, social, cultural, religious, economic, etc. However, its main function is still entertainment, although there are programs that contain terms of information and education only as a complement to it in order to meet the needs of human alamiyah. the positive side Television is present as a means to facilitate connection and communication between humans.
the negative side the number of impressions, such as violence, hatred, sex, fraud.
Capable of presenting in the form of audio visual as it were really happening.
Wide range
Almost the entire territory of indonesia is able to capture television broadcasts.
Relatively quickly convey much less information along with the changing times that speed the flow of communication satellite.
Reach a mass audience
Difficult to target a market for television can be enjoyed by everyone.
Relatively brief ads
Duration of the very important role that advertising is very limited information about.
Production costs are very expensive considering the number of equipment and production process needs more than the radio.
“so the mass media like television,is very useful to facilitate communication and add insight and information, both domestically and abroad.”

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