Nama :Zulfiana Karimah
Nim    : 115623286   


Keyboard input is a tool that is used for typing information into the computer and run a variety of instructions or commands into the computer. The creation of a computer keyboard typewriter is inspired by the creation of a basic design created by Christopher Latham in 1868 and heavily marketed in 1877 by the Remington Company.

if you hear the word "keyboard" then our minds can not be separated from computer, because the keyboard is a board consisting of the keys to type sentences and other special symbols on the computer. Keyboard in the Indonesian language means keyboard or keypad.

On the keyboard there are buttons the letters A - Z, a - z, numbers 0-9, keys and special characters such as: `~ @ # $% ^ & * () _ - + = <> /,. ? :: "'\ |, And other special buttons that total number is 104 buttons. While the number of buttons on the machine type is 52 buttons. The keyboard is generally rectangular shape, but this time the keyboard model is varied. The most famous keyboard QWERTY keyboard with 101 key pieces (buttons). Most
of  keyboards have a key that is organized into sections as follows:
A. Alphanumeric Key
B. Numerik Keypad
C. Function Key
D. Modifier Key
E. Cursor Movement Key.
Best de that, in using the application Ms. Office (especially MS. Word) there are some keyboard keys which have functions when combined or combined with other buttons, like the example below:
Ctrl + A = Select All
Ctrl + B = Bold
Ctrl + C = Copy
Ctrl + D = Font
Ctrl + E = Center Alignment
Ctrl + F = Find
Ctrl + G = Go To
Ctrl + H = Replace
Ctrl + I = Italic
Ctrl + J = Justify Alignment
Ctrl + K = Insert Hyperlink
Ctrl + L = Left Alignment
Ctrl + M = Hanging Indent
Ctrl + N = New
Ctrl + O = Open
Ctrl + P = Print
Ctrl + Q = Normal Style
Ctrl + R = Right Alignment
Ctrl + S = Save / Save As
Ctrl + T = Left Indent
Ctrl + U = Underline
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + W = Close
Ctrl + X = Cut
Ctrl + Y = Redo
Ctrl + Z = Undo
Ctrl + 1 = Single Spacing
Ctrl + 2 = Double Spacing
Ctrl + 5 = 1,5 lines
Ctrl + Esc = Start Menu

Physically, the keyboard is divided into four parts, namely:
1. Keyboard Serial
2. Keyboard PS/2
3. Keyboard Wireless
4. Keyboard USB

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